The False Claims Act: Protecting the American Taxpayer from Fraud
虚假索赔法》是旨在保护美国纳税人的首要联邦诉讼工具。它对那些通过故意提交虚假索赔要求来欺骗美国政府项目的各方规定了实质性的责任。被称为 "林肯法 "的《虚假索赔法》最初是在南北战争期间颁布的,以应对向联邦军队供货的承包商普遍存在的欺诈。自1986年以来,司法部根据《虚假索赔法》追回了超过620亿美元的款项。
The success of the False Claims Act is due primarily to its qui tam provisions. Those provisions empower private parties with information about fraud against the Government to become whistleblowers – referred to as qui tam “relators” – by filing lawsuits against alleged violators ex rel or on the Government’s behalf. The lawsuit is initially kept “sealed” or secret to allow the Government an opportunity to investigate the whistleblower’s claims. The Justice Department then has the right to “intervene” in and assume the prosecution of the case.
提出一个结构良好的案件并说服政府进行干预,对于举报人事务的成功至关重要。 聘请像马克-A-施特劳斯这样具有干预案件记录的有经验的举报人律师来代表你是非常重要的。
在成功的案件中,举报人可以获得被称为 "举报人份额 "或举报人奖的赏金,其中包括政府从诉讼中的违法者那里收回的份额。在政府介入的案件中,举报人的份额为15-25%。如果政府拒绝介入,而举报人及其律师自行成功起诉该案件,则举报人有权获得更多的赏金--收回金额的25-30%。一般来说,授予的百分比取决于举报人对获得的结果的贡献。
根据《虚假索赔法》的规定,被告 "故意 "向政府提出或导致提出虚假或欺诈性的付款要求,或使用或导致制作或使用对向政府提出虚假或欺诈性付款要求 "很重要 "的虚假记录或陈述,即可确定责任。
重要的是,根据《虚假索赔法》,要求违法者 "明知故犯",并不意味着他们有具体的意图来欺诈或欺骗政府,获得他们无权获得的资金,或违反虚假索赔法。相反,对于为获得有关款项而向政府作出的陈述的真实性或虚假性的鲁莽漠视或故意无视,就足以使一个人承担责任。正如法院所指出的,鲁莽的无视和故意的无知包括 "鸵鸟式的情况,即个人把头埋在沙子里,没有进行简单的询问,以提醒他正在提交虚假索赔。简而言之,《虚假索赔法》反映了这样一个概念:接受公共资金的各方有责任合理地确定他们有权获得他们所要求的政府付款。
The False Claims Act also applies to what are referred to as “reverse false claims.” Liability for “reverse” false claims is established by showing that the defendant knowingly concealed or improperly avoided or decreased an obligation to pay money to the Government. Import duty evasion is an example of a “reverse” false claim.
Fraud is their game.
Integrity is yours.
he False Claims Act is multipurpose. It can be used to fight virtually any fraudulent or deceptive scheme or reckless activity involving false statements or omissions that result in financial losses to the American taxpayer. (One exception is tax fraud, which is dealt with under a separate IRS Whistleblower statute). While False Claims Act lawsuits typically involve frauds against federal agencies and departments, the statute also applies to frauds targeting private sector or non-profit programs that receive federal funds, property, loans, grants, or other types of aid. In fact, the statute can be used to remedy frauds perpetrated by parties that do not directly contract or conduct business with the Government but still receive Government funds in some manner. Cases involve a wide range of practices, including, for example:
- 海关欺诈和逃避进口税。
- Covid-19救济欺诈。
- Healthcare fraud including with respect to Medicaid or Medicare reimbursements, unlawful kickbacks, off-label marketing.
- 政府订约和采购欺诈。
- Government grant fraud involving subsidies, grants, loans, insurance, guarantees, or other government aid
- Federal credit assistance fraud
- IRS Tax Fraud
- Securities fraud
The Importance of Acting Promptly if You Believe You May Have a Whistleblower Claim